Fury Pix Starring Anton Fury
"The day I discovered my Dad's Playboys in a box, high up on a shelf in his workshop, my life was changed forever." After all, Playboy was all about boobs! Who could have foretold that that one defining moment in time would serve to set me on a lifetime "boob-quest"?
Anton Fury was the leader in big-boob photographers. Not only did he shoot nearly every big-bust girl in the industry; he also published them in magazines, getting them out there to the fans.
He was editor of Gent, Busty Beauties, D-Cup and Cleavage magazines. So, he only shot the busty grils, he had intention of featuring in the magazines.
But, there is much more to the Anton Fury story that just magazines. He was a well-respected Master in the Fetish, S/M community. He was very involved with events and the main-stream fetish magazine, Nugget for over a decade. He made a string of “Whips & Chains” films for industry leader Gotham Gold.